
It’s time for a Change

It’s time for a Change We have a new Association, a new website and a new blog for you to follow.  In the next few weeks we will be closing the blog you are currently reading.  As of the 21st of March all our blogs can be found on our new website. To make… Continue reading It’s time for a Change

Annual - Biennial Plants · Plant Choices

Carline Thistle – Lesley Edmondson

My name is Lesley Edmondson and I recently had two paintings, (Carline thistle and Autumn gentian), in the ABBA exhibition, which was wonderful to be a part of. My painting of Carline thistle was at first a joy and then somewhat a toil to paint, just because I had to keep climbing UP the hill behind… Continue reading Carline Thistle – Lesley Edmondson

Feedback · Founding principles · Information · Membership

ABBA – The Founding Principles

Well here they are.  We have taken onboard the survey results, many conversations and the experiences of the World Wide Day of Botanical Art to produce a set of founding principles. We believe we are faithfully reflecting your ideas in the following principles and we will be using these to formally establish the Association of… Continue reading ABBA – The Founding Principles